Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hi gang,

I've been a little remiss lately in my postings. I had a meeting last week at Lionsgate and a meeting this week at A&E. Next week, I plan to spend entirely in front of the computer. Promise! I will not leave my post (get it).


Tomorrow I'll post some more timeline from the filming of THE BLACK ALBUM (we are getting to some of the more bizarre events of the shoot).

After the first of the year, I will be releasing my second novel:

Confessions of  a Psychic Spy

All you Cold War spy buffs should get a kick out of it. This series will be tied to some of the greatest historical events of the 60, 70s, and 80s and will feature the most unusual twist EVER in a spy novel.

Also next week, I will finally dive back into the unfinished movie and will start releasing full scenes from the scariest movie you'll never see out into the Internet. I'm a little bit apprehensive about this. The last time I played around with the footage my powerbook crashed and the transmission went out on my car... while I was driving.

After we gorge ourselves on turkey next week and thoughts start to turn towards Christmas... and in keeping with my HORROR THROUGH THE HALLOWDAYS theme... I will begin to explore the dark origins of  ole' Noel.

See ya then. Or... in the final words of the Comedian in THE WATCHMEN, "Mother... forgive me..."

Grace Lynn compelled by Mathaluh
Images courtesy of The Black Album

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